Our Story

It’s quite simple really. Two people wanting to live from the heart. We can tell you many things about our life - usual things like: Wessel is from South Africa, Giulia is Italian, we met while studying. Giulia went into Graphic Design and Wessel into Marketing. We’ve been married for many years, and have made New Zealand our home.

We’ve been in corporate jobs most of our lives (contrary to the belief that yogis live in the forest, never brush their hair and don’t know how technology works!) We reached many career highs, but also have had many lows, like any normal person. Actually, let’s not call it lows, but rather realisations. Because when you understand what you don’t want, you are always more clear about what your inner being is really asking for.

That is exactly when you let go of what does not serve you anymore and reach for that which is for your highest good.

People need to take care of themselves more, mentally and physically. This is one of the biggest realisations that we have taken for granted. Nothing is more important than your own health. Your family. Being kind to others. Being conscious about the way you treat the planet. Just being. Breathing. Observing. Consciously experiencing life and always living from the heart. Remembering that we are powerful beings that have the energy that creates worlds within us. Nothing is impossible if we truly believe we can do it.

We are all connected, we are all made from the same particles, the same energy. Our hearts beat to the same rhythm of the earth, the sky, the waters, the stars. Always remember that.

Our Space

We always used to say: “Wouldn’t it be nice to create a space where people can disconnect from their crazy lives, and find a connection with themselves again? A place where they can learn to feel grounded and find inner peace. It needs to be surrounded by nature and have such a comfortable and welcoming vibe that people would feel like they can breathe better and feel lighter.”

We managed to manifest just that. Well, we’re not done YET, we are in the flow of creating this vision, and we hope that you can help us exceed our expectations!

Our passion for yoga has increased over the years in such a way that it has become a way of living, rather than just a quick stretch after work. This is not just a normal yoga studio in someone’s garage. It is (and is still in the process of becoming) one big yoga home.

Come have a tea, stand outside and stare out at the ocean, get to know your neighbours, (locally and on the mat!) and try our weird and wonderful special events and workshops. We are here to help you expand your consciousness just a little bit further.

We can’t wait to grow with you on this journey.