Breathe Life, Move with Joy, Nourish Your Being: Celebrate Spring

Saturday 28 September
$275pp | $510 for two

Another fabulous Day Retreat coming your way! This time slightly different, as we are collaborating with the lovely Rafa Tadielo, Life Coach and Hypnotherapist. We will be combining our skills to give you a beautifully tailored experience with the aim of uplifting and empowering you as we move into the spring season.

If you have been at our retreats before, you will know that we love adding little surprises and special practices throughout the day, so we won’t give too much away, but we do have some very special highlights to mention:

Highlight 1: A Restorative Breathwork session led by Wessel that will prepare you for a deep Hypnosis Meditation led By Rafa, focusing on confidence and alignment.

Highlight 2: Rafa is also a professional chef, so she will be giving us a cooking demonstration, teaching us how to make a nourishing recipe that we will enjoy as part of our lunch!

Highlight 3: Giulia will be leading a yoga session (totally beginner friendly) to activate and restore your whole being at a deep energetic level, followed by a soothing Yoga Nidra led by Wessel, which is a beautiful healing modality in it’s own right, designed to help the nervous system recover from stress and anxiety.

We are so excited and we can not wait to share another fabulous day of heart-felt connection with you all!

The Space Within 01-0735-0123642-00
Use ‘Name + SPRING’ as Reference

Please reserve your spot below after payment. No Refunds. We can hold your credit if you cancel 14 days prior to start date.